
Chateau ClaireFontaine is a place to be known, where you will be with others who understand the complexity, the joy, and sometimes the pain of living on mission.

It’s a place to be still. Nestled in the middle of a quiet village, you’ll find the chateau is the perfect place to spend some alone time with God, and the ones you love. Long walks in the woods, quiet moments in the yard, or a bit of solitude in the tower are all waiting for you to discover at ClaireFontaine.

The chateau is a place where you will be served instead of serving. Every meal is lovingly prepared for you, and sometimes just being able to eat without having to do the dishes feels like a treat! Your hosts have prayed for you before you even arrive, and their desire is to make sure you have everything you need while you rest and relax at chateau ClaireFontaine.

The chateau is also a great place to be together.  Sometimes working in ministry takes its toll on a family. Long hours with a limited support system, and a lot of pressure can really wear on you, and fray your relationships. A weekend away with your spouse, or a week of fun with your whole family can be a balm for the weary soul. Hours snuggled by the fireplace or in the hammocks, hikes through the fortress, ancient sites to explore, giggles over board games, romantic dinners, and a whole lot more are waiting for you at the chateau.

It’s a place where you can be focused. If you have been feeling overwhelmed, distracted, or out of sorts with your team or your mission, this is the place to find peace. Our counselors are always available to help you work through whatever is the source of your difficulties, and give you solid steps to help you move forward into a stronger future as you return home.  The peaceful surroundings are a great place to find some time with God as you renew your purpose, and refocus your mind. 

Whether you are coming for a quiet get away, in search of some intensive counseling, or looking forward to a week of family fun, Chateau ClaireFontaine is the perfect place to just BE.

Are you ready to book your stay with us? 

Want to help us serve more missionary families? Chateau ClaireFontaine is the heart of our ministry, and like any big historic home, it takes a lot of work to make it the refuge we want it to be for our guests. We’d love for YOU to help us do that. Whether you want to come and get your hands dirty with us, donate towards one of our projects, or sponsor a week for a family in need, we would love to have you partner with us in offering hope to missionaries around the world.

Visit our Take Action page to learn more.
